Michael Ross Fine Arts Painting

Fine Arts Painting, Portraiture, Arcadian Landscapes, Murals, Baroque Decorative Painting and Arts, Faux Finishes, Faux Marbling, Faux Bois, Woodgraining, Trompe l'oeil, Gilding, Restorations, Interior Architectural Painting, Old Master Re-creations, Specialized Projects, and Design.   I am a Fine Artist, a graphic artist, designer, and a digital multimedia artist.  Above all, I like to create. To create is to pick up the challenge, to pursue the difficult, to expand what is -- to what can be. The pursuit of Art is the work of a lifetime, an effort to articulate the creative impulse.

Landscapes, Arcadian representations, landscape murals and decorative landscapes (harpsicords, mantle inlays, etc.)
Murals & Ceilings
Interior murals and decorative painting, decorative ceilings in the Venetian tradition.
Portraits are very much a collaborative effort. I like to be challenged by the non-prosaic, with the unusual and exotic. Most portrait work is done through multiple high-quality photographs.

Decorative Painting and Stencilling
Ceiling paintings, decorative painted insets set above and overlooking a doorway, hand-painted decorative motifs, borders and stencils, gilding and miscellaneous decorative effects.
Woodgraining (faux bois)
I prefer the precise French decorative school for graining or marbling, versus the looser Italian style. I can reproduce any type of wood.
Faux Marbling
Again, I prefer the precise decorative technique for marbling. I can reproduce any type of marble.
Gold leaf frames, gold leaf stencil, gilt composition ornament and ceiling moulding inlays, etc.

Composition Ornament
'Compo,' the 18th century equivalent of thermoplastic is made from several ingredients such as chalk, resins, and rabbit glue. I've used 'compo' in everything from complex frames, decorative architraves, dado paneling, fireplace mantels, overdoor embellishment and doors to walls.
Plaster work
Hand-made moulds created to make plaster decorative pieces, dados, ceiling moulding.

Reproductions / Old Masters re-creations
I prefer the masters from the renaissance through the 17th and 18th century (my personal favourite), and even to Pre-Raphaelite artists. I've even dipped into impressionism. I am limited only by the availability and quality of large (poster-sized) art images.
Mildly damaged paintings, damaged picture frames and moulding as well as digital restoration and photographic restoration.

Digital Media / Multimedia
In addition to Flash, my digital skill set also includes Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, ImageReady, Fireworks, Adobe Premiere, AfterEffects, Apple Quicktime and QTVR stitchers, Swift 3d, Poser & Bryce,

Photography allows visual articulation of your individual perception. Photography forces you to focus your perception, to see in a different manner. Once you have committed to an image by depressing the shutter, then you may engage in reperception, using digital technology to align the image to your vision.
    Web Development/Application Programming
I have extensive experience creating Web sites and writing Web-based applications utilizing Adobe's ColdFusion, Flash, HTML, dHTML, XHTML, XML, JavaScript, SQL and Oracle.

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P.O. Box 770, Carlsbad, CA 92018, U.S.A.